The Benefits of Rose Water
Why not give the gift of roses with a twist this Valentine's Day? Rose water first caught my attention when I heard that Jennifer Lopez sips on this fountain of youth beverage but I figured it was something that A-listers do and I didn't give it a second thought. It wasn't until I was stocking up on my health must-haves on that concept of rose water was brought to my attention again. After a little bit of research, I decided to order a box of this unique beverage once I learned the number of health and beauty benefits that come from rose water when applied to the skin and consumed.
1. Rosewater helps maintain the skin's pH balance, and also controls excess oil. If you have oily skin the rosewater spray and beverage is the perfect combination.
2. Rose water helps hydrate and keep skin moisturized, try a light spritz throughout the day and post workout.
My latest beauty must-haves from Lucky Vitamin
3. Rose water contains various vitamins: A, C, E, and B.
4. Due to rose waters antibacterial properties, it helps to heal scars, cuts, and wounds.
5. The antioxidant properties of rose water help to strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissues.
6. Studies have said that rose water is great for depression as well as for those with sore throats.
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