Make Your New Years Resolutions Stick in 2016
Happy New Year! We start each New Year’s with the best of intentions – and for many Americans that means getting in shape and losing weight. But by February many of us have already given up… This year don’t be a statistic. As you may already know at Nadia Murdock Fit I believe in training your mind so you can change your body, take a look at my resolution retaining tips below.
Set realistic goals and intentions: Whether it's losing 10 lbs or trying anew HIIT class at your gym setting realistic smaller scaled goals will help alleviate some of the pressure that most people place on themselves in the new year. Try to make the goals enjoyable too! One of my goals in 2015 was to train harder than I did the previous year. I checked out a Dance HIIT class that was challenging and fun at the same time.
I love trying new workouts! I checked out Dance HIIT at NYHRC last year.
Select goals you really want: Superficial goals can easily fall through the cracks however resolutions that mean something to you will encourage you to work harder and it's better sense of gratification once you have achieved them.
Prevent Roadblocks Before They Happen: Think about the things that usually prevent you from reaching your health and wellness goals – perhaps that means finding a sitter once a week (or sharing the duty with friends) so you can make your gym class, finding a work-out buddy to help you stick to your gym trips, filling the house with only healthy snacks…Make this process easier on yourself by preparing for any situation that could derail you before it comes along!
Break up your goals: If you have a list of ten things you hope to achieve why not break up the list and aim at achieving the first five items within 6 months and the remainder of the goals before the New Year.
Write it down, somewhere you can see it every single day: A goal not written down is nothing but a wish, so commit to paper and write down your resolutions.
Reward Yourself: Condition yourself to enjoy the journey to your success by giving yourself (non edible) rewards for your progress.
Proclaim it to your friends and family: Having their support and letting those you work and play with know about your goals will ensure they support you and help you stay on track! Also, you’ll be less tempted to snack at work or at home if everyone knows what you’re trying to accomplish!
Training minds, changing bodies!
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