How To Stay Positive While Going Through A Big Change
Big changes are hard, but with big changes also comes the potential of greatness. If you imagine something good happening to you completely out of the blue, you probably envision it being a completely positive, worry-free experience, right? That's what I would have thought too. But unexpected changes - even the really great ones - can still shake up your world, causing you to question (in a good way) and making you reassess some aspects of your life.
Here are some ways to stay positive while going through a big change in your life:
Try to stay present
One of the reasons change - no matter how positive - is challenging is because it often causes us to remove ourselves from the present moment. Instead of going about our day-to-day lives, not giving too much thought to what's next because we've grown comfortable with our routines, big changes urge us to think (perhaps too much) about the future, filling the mind with worries and concerns such as: “Should I take this opportunity?” ‘What will come next?” Don't allow these questions to override the joy of the opportunity appearing before you right now.
Imagine possibilities
If you are feeling really anxious about a big change, imagine the possibilities and the good that could potentially come out of the change. If you are moving across the state, imagine all of the new places you will see and the new foods that you will try. You will meet new friends, you will learn to live outside of your comfort zone, and maybe your career will take off. Try not to focus on what could go wrong, but instead what could go right. You never know what one big change can do, and if you allow yourself to explore the future from a positive perspective, the possibilities are endless.
Set your intentions and speak about it
When something good happens to you, it's sometimes tempting to hedge the good news with phrases like, "But I'm not sure if it will work out..." or "I still don't know how it's going to work, but..." or "I'm not sure I deserve this, but..." Chuck those phrases out the window and speak confidently about the positive opportunity you've been given. Bring good energy to yourself by speaking about it! Make it happen.
Know that it’s okay to feel ‘shook’
Are you trying to stay present, set your intentions, and imagine the possibilities, but you are still worried? Don’t worry - it’s normal! It is okay to feel nervous about an upcoming (or current) change. Embrace that feeling, allowing yourself to feel a bit out of sorts and shaken up. That's one of the best things about positive change - it changes things.
You don’t have to go through change alone
Let’s go back to the moving example again. You’re already under so much stress from the change of the move, possible job change, and more, so why put moving on your plate on top of everything else? Know that when a big change happens, you do not have to do it alone - no matter what it is. If you are moving, lean on professional movers to help you get through the change. Companies such as All in One Moving & Storage, Inc. are Bergen county movers, but service the entire NJ area. Their expert movers are committed to your satisfaction and move, and they understand that each move is unique and demands a unique combination of services. Their goal is to work with you to ensure a stress-free moving process, giving you the freedom to focus on your relocation rather than deal with the headaches that come with moving. “From the first box packed to the last one off the truck, our movers ensure you have a successful move.” They offer full packing services, fragile-only packing, standard self-pack, packing materials, loading and unloading, and lots of other optional services such as debris removal, unpacking, storage, crating, and more.
Staying positive while going through a big change is not easy, but with some simple tips such as getting help along the way, letting yourself feel ‘shook,’ and setting your intentions high to allow good change to come your way, you can get through it without a ton of stress or negativity!