Fitness Files: Emily Hines: CFO and CO Founder of Sweat Cosmetics


In the spring I shared an all-female owned company Sweat Cosmetics with you! Continuing learning about this fab team with today's Fitness Files interview.  Emily Hines is a Certified Public Accountant with a degree from the University of Denver. The former athlete brings her financial background to the Sweat Cosmetics team. Emily stays committed to her active lifestyle, squeezing in workouts at odd hours and, in so doing, providing a personal angle on how Sweat products ease the lives of today’s professional women. Keep reading to learn more about the teams CFO and co-founder.

NMFIT: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority? 

Emily Hines (EH): I was raised with two brothers so being a jock was my only option. However, it wasn't after playing soccer in college that I truly became passionate about overall fitness. I started paying attention to how I was training, fueling my body, taking care of it strategically, etc.


NMFIT: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?  

EH: Obsessed with lemon water, huge bar fanatic (GoMacro and ONE bars), hummus with carrots, so #basic.

NMFIT: How do you train your mind and stay motivated? 

EH: Yoga has become so imperative to me- I don't know how I ever went without it. Learning how to channel your mind, breathe- everything- so much more than just physical.  From a motivation standpoint, I think I have always prioritized being my best self- no matter what endeavor I am taking on in life. If fitness is a priority for me, I'm going to work every day to put myself in a position to be my best.

NMFIT: What are your three tips for balancing a career, motherhood, and fitness? 

EH: Not a mama yet (only to my dog Wilson) BUT I do think it is so important to learn the word "no", make sure you are taking time for yourself (at LEAST 30 mins/day) and really strive to take time to turn off your phone/computers. 

NMFIT: In what ways did transition from corporate to being an entrepreneur change your lifestyle mentally and physically? 

EH: There is a HUGE different in "being busy" and being efficient with your work. So much in a corporate structure (in my opinion) is people's perception of how busy you are. The whole "well, he got here before me, so now I can't leave until he leaves" or "I'm not taking a lunch break because I don't want to stay an extra hour tonight"- drove me absolutely insane. Now that I'm an entrepreneur- I'm so much more efficient because I'm not phased by that perception. I work until the job is done and then I move on with my day.

NMFIT: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites? 

EH: I am a huge believer in mixing it up. When I run too much, I lose my muscle- when I lift too much, I lose my endurance. I try to change it up every day between running, yoga, Pilates/reformer, HIIT workouts, and barre class.  Not that I am strict dieter or have restrictions but I feel 1,000,000 times better when I cut sugar/gluten/and dairy.  Buuuuuuuttttttt I cannot live without wine.

For more information on Sweat Cosmetics visit:

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