Fitness and How it Manages Stress

However, long-term stress does not allow the body to relax. There is a consistent strain on the body, heart, and blood vessels. It increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Chronic stress can also affect your digestion, nutrient absorption, respiratory system, and reproductive system. It can also lead to chronic fatigue, muscle tension, and pain. It also increases the chances of developing several mental and physical health conditions. Chronic stress can have several adverse effects on health and fitness. 

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Breaking Down Mental Resistance

Alright, let's skip the complicated jargon and dive straight into it. Mental resistance is that tricky feeling of hesitation, procrastination, and downright aversion you experience when faced with a task that seems a tad challenging or unfamiliar. It's like your brain throws a little tantrum, trying to keep you within your cozy comfort zone.

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